My First Post For Marketing Spring 2024

Hello. Welcome to my first post for Spring 2024 Marketing. My name is Jordan Gold. I am eager to delve into the intricacies of marketing techniques that propel certain companies to success while others falter. My interest is particularly significant as I contemplate the idea of establishing my own business in the future. I am currently pursuing business admin. My long-term passion lies in fashion design and wish to venture into in the future. Throughout this course, my enthusiasm extends to sharing not only what captivates me, but also delving into aspects that might not be as captivating and exploring the reasons why. I look forward to articles that exemplify commendable marketing strategies, as well as those that fall short, offering my perspective on what alternative approaches could have been employed. I look forward to sharing valuable insights and foster discussion about the field of marketing, with a particular focus in the context of business aspirations in fashion design. 


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